COVID-19 Impact Updates

COVID-19 is having an unprecedented impact on communities and on our economy. Just like you we're taking everything day by day. This link is your best resource for all updates, information, and news about what's happening with Accessory Kraze as we all navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.

As many people are choosing to stay home to social-distance, there has been an increase in online shopping and package deliveries.  We are having to wait longer periods of time for our supplies and inventory to arrive which is forcing our processing time to increase in some instances. If we experience a longer delay, we will notify you by email. 

Also, Accessory Kraze is dedicated to maintaining clean and sanitized work and shipping stations.  We also practice strict hand-washing and sanitizing protocols, as well as personal protective equipment such as face coverings and gloves while hand-making Lavish Skin products and packaging all orders.

Thank you for your continued support during this time. We are all in this together.